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SARANAGATI (SURRENDER) | Sri Laghu-chandrika-bhasya Atma-Nivedanatmika: Self-Submission
(Song 11)
manasa, deha, geha, yo kichhu mora manasa (mana)–mind; deha–body; geha (grha)–home; yo–which; kichhu–something; mora–mine; arpilun (arpana karilama)–I offered; tuya (tomara)–Your; pade–at the feet; nanda–of Nanda Maharaj; kisora–adolescent son. [1] (1) I have offered my mind, my body, my household, and whatever else may be mine at Your feet, O Nanda Kisor!
sampade vipade jivane marane sampade–in happiness, good fortune, affluence, health; vipade–in distress, danger, poverty, sickness, misfortune; jivane–in life; marane–in death; daya (dayitva)–responsibility, anxiety; mama–my; gela–went; tuya–Your; o–those; pada–feet; varane–by accepting, choosing. [2] (2) In good times and in bad, in life and in death, all responsibility has gone away by embracing Your feet.
marabi rakhabi yo ichchha tohara marabi (maribe)–You may kill; rakhabi–You may protect; yo (ye)–which; ichchha–desire; tohara–Your; nitya–eternal; dase–to Your servant; prati–towards; tuya–Your; adhikara–authority. [3] (3) You may kill me or protect me as You wish. You have full authority over Your eternal servant.
janmaobi moye ichchha yadi tora janmaobi–You may cause to take birth; moye–to me; ichchha–desire; yadi–if; tora–Your; bhakta–(of a) devotee; grhe–in the home; jani (yena)–so that; janma–birth; ha-u (ha-uka)–let be; mora–my. [4] (4) If it is Your desire that I take birth again, let me do so in the home of Your devotee.
kita janma ha-u yatha tuya dasa kita–a worm, insect; janma–birth; ha-u–may be; yatha–as long as; tuya–Your; dasa–servant; bahir–outward; mukha–facing; brahma–as Brahma, the universal creator; janme–such a birth; nahi–not; asa–desire. [5] (5) Let me be born again even as a worm, so long as I can remain Your servant. I have no desire to be born even as Brahma, if I will be averse to You.
bhukti-mukti-sprha-vihina ye bhakta bhukti–mundane enjoyment, exploitation; mukti–liberation, renunciation; sprha–desire; vihina–without; ye–who; bhakta–devotees; labha-ite (labha karite)–to obtain; tan'ka (tandera)–their; sanga–association; anurakta (anuraga)–attachment (loving attachment). [6] (6) I am always eager to attain the association of devotees who are completely devoid of all desire for mundane enjoyment and liberation.
janaka, janani, dayita, tanaya janaka–father; janani–mother; dayita (priya)–beloved; tanaya–son; prabhu–Lord; guru–spiritual master; pati–husband; tuhun–You; sarva–all; maya–consist of. [7] (7) Father, mother, lover, son, Lord, Guru, husband—You are everywhere.
bhakati-vinoda kahe suna kana! bhakati-vinoda–Bhakti Vinod; kahe–says; suna–please listen; kana! (kanai!)–O Krishna; radhanatha!–O Lord of Radha; tuhun–You; hamara–my; parana–life, soul (the sole focus of my loving attachment). [8] (8) Bhakti Vinod says, "Please listen, O Kan! O Radhanath! You are my life and soul."
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· Translator's Note Saranagati:
Atma-Nivedanatmika, Self-Submission
Goptrtve Varan, Embracing the Lord's
Visrambhatmika, Confidence in the Lord's
Varjanatmika, Rejecting the Unfavourable
Anukulyatmika, Accepting the Favourable
Bhajana-Lalasa (Hankering for Service):
Siddha-Lalasa (Hankering for Fulfilment):
Vijnapti (Prayer of Heartfelt Hankering):
Sri Nama-Mahatmya (The Glories of the Name):
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