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SARANAGATI (SURRENDER) | Sri Laghu-chandrika-bhasya

Atma-Nivedanatmika: Self-Submission


(Song 11)

manasa, deha, geha, yo kichhu mora
arpilun tuya pade nanda-kisora [1]

manasa (mana)–mind; deha–body; geha (grha)–home; yo–which; kichhu–something; mora–mine; arpilun (arpana karilama)–I offered; tuya (tomara)–Your; pade–at the feet; nanda–of Nanda Maharaj; kisora–adolescent son. [1]

(1) I have offered my mind, my body, my household, and whatever else may be mine at Your feet, O Nanda Kisor!

sampade vipade jivane marane
daya mama gela tuya o pada varane [2]

sampade–in happiness, good fortune, affluence, health; vipade–in distress, danger, poverty, sickness, misfortune; jivane–in life; marane–in death; daya (dayitva)–responsibility, anxiety; mama–my; gela–went; tuya–Your; o–those; pada–feet; varane–by accepting, choosing. [2]

(2) In good times and in bad, in life and in death, all responsibility has gone away by embracing Your feet.

marabi rakhabi yo ichchha tohara
nitya-dase prati tuya adhikara [3]

marabi (maribe)–You may kill; rakhabi–You may protect; yo (ye)–which; ichchha–desire; tohara–Your; nitya–eternal; dase–to Your servant; prati–towards; tuya–Your; adhikara–authority. [3]

(3) You may kill me or protect me as You wish. You have full authority over Your eternal servant.

janmaobi moye ichchha yadi tora
bhakta-grhe jani janma ha-u mora [4]

janmaobi–You may cause to take birth; moye–to me; ichchha–desire; yadi–if; tora–Your; bhakta–(of a) devotee; grhe–in the home; jani (yena)–so that; janma–birth; ha-u (ha-uka)–let be; mora–my. [4]

(4) If it is Your desire that I take birth again, let me do so in the home of Your devotee.

kita janma ha-u yatha tuya dasa
bahir-mukha brahma-janme nahi asa [5]

kita–a worm, insect; janma–birth; ha-u–may be; yatha–as long as; tuya–Your; dasa–servant; bahir–outward; mukha–facing; brahma–as Brahma, the universal creator; janme–such a birth; nahi–not; asa–desire. [5]

(5) Let me be born again even as a worm, so long as I can remain Your servant. I have no desire to be born even as Brahma, if I will be averse to You.

(5) kita janma ha-u: "Let me be born again even as a worm ..." This sentiment has been expressed by Sri Yamun Acharya in his Sri Stotra-ratna (55):

tava dasya-sukhaika sanginam
bhavanesv astv api kita-janma me
itarav asathesu ma sma bhud
api me janma chaturmukhatmana

"O Lord! Let me take birth, even as a worm, in the home of those whose sole happiness is Your service. O Lord, never let me take birth, even as Brahma, among those who are averse to You."

bhukti-mukti-sprha-vihina ye bhakta
labha-ite tan'ka sanga anurakta [6]

bhukti–mundane enjoyment, exploitation; mukti–liberation, renunciation; sprha–desire; vihina–without; ye–who; bhakta–devotees; labha-ite (labha karite)–to obtain; tan'ka (tandera)–their; sanga–association; anurakta (anuraga)–attachment (loving attachment). [6]

(6) I am always eager to attain the association of devotees who are completely devoid of all desire for mundane enjoyment and liberation.

(6) bhukti-mukti-sprha: "Desire for mundane enjoyment and liberation." In this regard the following verse from Sri Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu (1.2.22) should be mentioned:

bhukti-mukti-sprha yavat pisachi hrdi vartate
tavad bhakti-sukhasyatra katham abhyudayo bhavet

"So long as the desires for mundane enjoyment and liberation, which are like two witches, remain in the heart, how can the ecstasy of devotion manifest there?"

janaka, janani, dayita, tanaya
prabhu, guru, pati tuhun—sarva-maya [7]

janaka–father; janani–mother; dayita (priya)–beloved; tanaya–son; pra­bhu–Lord; guru–spiritual master; pati–husband; tuhun–You; sarva–all; maya–consist of. [7]

(7) Father, mother, lover, son, Lord, Guru, husband—You are everywhere.

(7) tuhun sarva-maya: "You are everywhere." That is to say, "The deep touch of Your connection is all-pervading. (Essentially, in all my relationships I am relating with You.)"

bhakati-vinoda kahe suna kana!
radhanatha! tuhun hamara parana [8]

bhakati-vinoda–Bhakti Vinod; kahe–says; suna–please listen; kana! (kanai!)–O Krishna; radhanatha!–O Lord of Radha; tuhun–You; hamara–my; parana–life, soul (the sole focus of my loving attachment). [8]

(8) Bhakti Vinod says, "Please listen, O Kan! O Radhanath! You are my life and soul."





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· Translator's Note
· In Praise of Saranagati (1)
· In Praise of Saranagati (2)
· Editor's Note
· Sri Laghu-chandrika-bhasya: Mangalacharana
· Sri Laghu-chandrika-bhasya: Preface


Bhajana-Lalasa (Hankering for Service):

Siddha-Lalasa (Hankering for Fulfilment):

Vijnapti (Prayer of Heartfelt Hankering):

Sri Nama-Mahatmya (The Glories of the Name):