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SARANAGATI (SURRENDER) | Sri Laghu-chandrika-bhasya Visrambhatmika: Confidence in the Lord's Protection
(Song 22)
tumi ta' maribe yare, ke tare rakhite pare tumi–You; ta'–certainly; maribe–will kill; yare–whom; ke–who?; tare–him; rakhite–to protect; pare–can; tava–Your; ichchha–will; vasa–under the control; tribhuvana–the three worlds—Svarga, Martya, and Patal (heaven, earth, and hell); brahma–the universal creator; adi–and so forth; deva–of demigods; gana–the group; tava–Your; dasa–servants; aganana–numberless; kare–do; tava–Your; ajnara–of the orders; palana–following. [1] (1) Who can protect one whom You will kill? The three worlds are subservient to Your will. Brahma and the countless demigods are Your servants and carry out Your orders.
tava ichchha-mate yata, graha-gana avirata tava–Your; ichchha–will; mate–in accordance with; yata–all; graha–planets;gana–the group of; avirata–uninterruptedly; subha–auspicious; asubha–inauspicious; phala–results; kare–do; dana–grant; roga–disease; soka–lamentation; mrti (marana)–death; bhaya–fear; tava–Your; ichchha–will; mate–in accordance with; haya–happen; tava–Your; ajna–orders; sada–always; balavan–powerful. [2] (2) In accordance with Your will, all the planets perpetually exert their auspicious and inauspicious influences. Disease, lamentation, death, and fear all occur in accordance with Your will. Your orders are always predominant.
tava bhaye vayu vaya, chandra-surya samudaya tava–of You; bhaye–out of fear; vayu–the wind; vaya–blows; chandra–the moon; surya–and the sun; samudaya–all the celestial bodies; sva–own; sva–respective; niyamita–prescribed; karya–duties; kare–do; tumi–You; ta'–certainly; parama–supreme; isvara–controller; parabrahma–the supreme; Absolute; paratpara (asamorddhva)–greater than the greatest (unparalleled); tava–Your; vasa–residence; bhakata–the devotees; antare–within. [3] (3) But of fear of You, the wind blows, and the moon, the sun, and all the celestial bodies perform their respective duties. You are the Supreme Lord, the unparalleled Supreme Absolute. You reside in the hearts of Your devotees.
sada-suddha siddha-kama, bhakata-vatsala nama, sada–eternally; suddha–pure; siddha–fulfilled; kama–desire; bhakata–devotees; vatsala–affectionate; nama–name; bhakata–devotees; janera–of the persons; nitya–eternal; svami–Master; tumi–You; ta'–certainly; rakhibe–will protect; yare–whom; ke–who?; tare–him; marite–to kill; pare–can; sakala–all; vidhira–of destinies, laws, providence; vidhi–determining element; tumi–You. [4] (4) You are eternally pure. Your desires are always fulfilled. You are known as Bhakta-vatsal, He who is affectionate to His devotees. You are the eternal master of Your devotees. Who can kill one whom You will protect? You are the author of all destinies.
tomara charane natha! kariyachhe pranipata, tomara–Your; charane–at the feet; natha!–O Lord!; kariyachhe–have done; pranipata–obeisance; bhakati-vinoda–Bhakti Vinod; tava–Your; dasa–servant; vipada–danger; ha-ite–from; svami!–Master!; avasya–surely; tahare–him; tumi–You; raksibe–will protect; tahara–his; e–this; visvasa–faith. [5] (5) O Lord! Your servant Bhakti Vinod has offered his obeisance at Your feet. O Master! You will certainly protect him from all danger—this is his faith.
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· Translator's Note Saranagati:
Atma-Nivedanatmika, Self-Submission
Goptrtve Varan, Embracing the Lord's
Visrambhatmika, Confidence in the Lord's
Varjanatmika, Rejecting the Unfavourable
Anukulyatmika, Accepting the Favourable
Bhajana-Lalasa (Hankering for Service):
Siddha-Lalasa (Hankering for Fulfilment):
Vijnapti (Prayer of Heartfelt Hankering):
Sri Nama-Mahatmya (The Glories of the Name):
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