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SARANAGATI (SURRENDER) | Sri Laghu-chandrika-bhasya

Bhajana-Lalasa: Hankering for Service


(Song 13)

gurudeva! kabe tava karuna prakase
sri-gauranga-lila, haya nitya-tattva,
ei drdha visvase
'hari' 'hari' bali', godruma-kanane,
bhramiba darsana-ase [1]

gurudeva!–O spiritual master!; kabe–when?; tava–your; karuna–mercy; prakase–by the manifestation; sri-gauranga–of Sriman Mahaprabhu; lila–the Pastimes; haya–become; nitya–eternal; tattva–truth; ei–this; drdha–firm; visvase–with faith; hari–Name of 'Hari'; hari–Name of 'Hari'; bali'–calling; godruma–of the island known as 'Godrum'; kanane–in the forest; bhramiba–I will wander; darsana (bahir-darsana)–to see (to see outwardly before me); ase–with the desire. [1]

(1) O Gurudev! When, by the manifestation of your mercy, will I have firm faith in the eternal truth of Sri Gauranga's Pastimes, and wander amid the forest of Sri Godrumdwip calling out, "Hari!" "Hari!" in hope of beholding those Pastimes before me?

nitai gauranga, advaita srivasa,
gadadhara pancha-jana
krsna-nama-rase, bhasa'be jagat,
kari' maha-sankirtana [2]

nitai–Sri Nityananda Prabhu; gauranga–Sriman Mahaprabhu; advaita–Sri Advaita Prabhu; srivasa–Srivas Thakur; gadadhara–Gadadhar Pandit; pancha–five; jana–persons; krsna–of Krishna; nama–the Names; rase–with the nectar; bhasa'be–will make float; jagat (bhuvana)–the universe (the world); kari'–doing; maha–great; sankirtana–congregational chanting. [2]

(2) Sri Nityananda Prabhu, Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu, Sri Advaita Prabhu, Sri Srivas Thakur, and Sri Gadadhar Pandit—these five great personages will inundate the world with the rasa of Krishna's Name by performing maha-sankirtan.

nartana-vilasa, mrdanga-vadana,
suniba apana-kane
dekhiya dekhiya, se lila-madhuri,
bhasiba premera vane [3]

nartana–of dancing; vilasa–Pastimes; mrdanga–of the clay drum; vadana–sound; suniba–I will hear; apana–my own; kane–with the ears; dekhiya–seeing; dekhiya–and seeing; se–those; lila–of the Pastimes; madhuri–sweetness; bhasiba–I will float; premera–of divine love; vane–in a flood. [3]

(3) I will hear with my own ears the sounds of the mrdanga and the movements of Their dancing. Beholding the sweet beauty of such Pastimes, I will float in a flood of prema.

na dekhi' abara, se lila-ratana,
kandi 'ha gauranga!' bali'
amare visayi, 'pagala' baliya,
angete dibeka dhuli [4]

na–not; dekhi'–seeing; abara–again; se–these; lila–Pastimes; ratana–jewel-like; kandi–I cry; ha–oh!; gauranga–the name 'Gauranga'; bali'–calling; amare–to me; visayi–materialists; pagala–a madman; baliya–calling; angete–on my body; dibeka–will put; dhuli–dust. [4]

(4) Again, not seeing those jewel-like Pastimes before me, I will cry, calling out, "O Gauranga!" Considering me a madman, materialists will kick dust upon my body.

(4) 'pagala' baliya: "Considering me a madman." Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya has similarly declared:

parivadatu jano yatha tathayam
nanu mukharo na vayam vicharayamah
bhuvi viluthama natama nirvisamah

(Padyavali: 73)

"Let the garrulous masses criticise us howsoever they please; we will not consider their words. Wildly intoxicated by drinking the wine of the rasa of the Lord, we will dance, roll on the ground, and faint."




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· Translator's Note
· In Praise of Saranagati (1)
· In Praise of Saranagati (2)
· Editor's Note
· Sri Laghu-chandrika-bhasya: Mangalacharana
· Sri Laghu-chandrika-bhasya: Preface


Bhajana-Lalasa (Hankering for Service):

Siddha-Lalasa (Hankering for Fulfilment):

Vijnapti (Prayer of Heartfelt Hankering):

Sri Nama-Mahatmya (The Glories of the Name):