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SARANAGATI (SURRENDER) | Sri Laghu-chandrika-bhasya

Saranagatera Prarthana:
Prayers of Surrendered Souls


tava dasya-sukhaika-sanginam
bhavanesv astv api kita-janma me
itarav asathesu ma sma bhud
api me janma chaturmukhatmana

(Stotra-ratna: 55)

"O Lord! Let me take birth, even as a worm, in the home of those whose sole happiness is Your service. O Lord, never let me take birth, even as Brahma, among those who are averse to You."

kamadinam kati na katidha palita durnidesas
tesam jata mayi na karuna na trapa nopasantih
utsrjyaitan atha yadu-pate sampratam labdha-buddhis
tvam ayatah saranam abhayam mam niyunksvatma-dasye

(Sri Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu: Paschima-vibhaga, 2.35)

"O Lord, I have obeyed the wicked dictates of lust, anger, and so on, for so long and in so many ways! Yet they have never taken pity upon me, and I have never felt shame or satisfaction! O Lord of the Yadus, now I have abandoned them and attained proper consciousness: I have surrendered unto You, the abode of fearlessness. Please engage me in Your service."

naitan manas tava kathasu vikuntha-natha
sampriyate durita-dustam asadhu tivram
kamaturam harsa-soka-bhayaisanartam
tasmin katham tava gatim vimrsami dinah*

(Srimad Bhagavatam: 7.9.39)

* [The remaining Sanksrit verses in this section are accompanied by Bengali verse translations from Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur's Bhajana-rahasya. These Bengali verses have been translated into English prose:]

durita-dusita mana asadhu manasa
kama-harsa-soka-bhaya-esanara vasa
tava katha-rati kise ha-ibe amara?
kise krsna tava lila kariba vichara?

"My mind is sinful, polluted, and dishonest. It is controlled by lust, pleasure, lamentation, fear, and desire. How will I obtain loving attachment for discussions about You? O Krishna, how will I reflect upon Your Pastimes?"

jihvaikato 'chyuta vikarsati mavitrpta
sisno 'nyatas tvag-udaram sravanam kutaschit
ghrano 'nyatas chapala-drk kva cha karma-saktir
bahvyah sapatnya iva geha-patim lunanti

(Srimad Bhagavatam: 7.9.40)

jihva tane rasa prati upastha kadarthe
udara bhojane tane visama anarthe
charma tane sayyadite, sravana kathaya
ghrana tane surabhite, chaksu drsye yaya
karmendriya karme tane, bahu-patni yatha
grha-pati akarsaya mora mana tatha
emata avastha mora sri-nanda-nandana
ki-rupe tomara lila kariba smarana?

"Like a householder pulled in different directions by each of his wives, my mind is pulled by the tongue towards tastes, by the genitals towards perversion, by the belly towards eating, by the skin towards a comfortable bed, by the ears towards discussions, by the nose towards fragrances, by the eyes towards sights, and by the senses of action towards their respective functions. Such is my predicament, O Nanda Nandan! How shall I remember Your Pastimes?"

tad astu me natha sa bhuri-bhago
bhave 'tra vanyatra tu va tirascham
yenahameko 'pi bhavaj-jananam
bhutva niseve tava pada-pallavam

(Srimad Bhagavatam: 10.14.30)

ei brahma-janmei va anya kona bhave
pasu-paksi haye janmi tomara vibhave
ei matra asa tava bhakta-gana sange
thaki tava pada-seva kari nana range

"In this birth as Brahma, or in another life born as an animal or bird by Your will, I desire only to remain in the association of Your devotees and to engage in various ways in the service of Your feet."

ko nv isa te pada-saroja-bhajam
sudurlabho 'rthesu chatursv apiha
tathapi naham pravrnomi bhuman

(Srimad Bhagavatam: 3.4.15)

krsna, tava pada-padme bhakti achhe yanra
chatur-varga madhye kiba aprapya tanhara
tathapi tomara pada-seva matra chai
anya kona arthe mora prayojana nai

"O Krishna, which of the four ends (dharma, artha, kama, and moksa) remain unattainable for one who has devotion to Your lotus feet? Still, I desire only the service of Your feet; I have no need for any other end."

na kamaye natha tad apy aham kvachin
na yatra yusmach-charanambujasavah
mahattamantar-hrdayan mukha-chyuto
vidhatsva karnayutam esa me varah

(Srimad Bhagavatam: 4.20.24)

yahate tomara pada-seva-sukha nai
sei vara ami natha kabhu nahi chai
bhaktera hrdaya haite tava guna-gana
sunite ayuta karna karaha vidhana

"I never desire any benediction which does not grant the joy of service to Your feet. O Lord! Grant me ten thousand ears to hear the narrations of Your glories from the hearts of Your devotees."

na naka-prstham na cha paramesthyam
na sarva-bhaumam na rasadhipatyam
na yoga-siddhir apunar-bhavam va
samanjasa tva virahayya kankse

(Srimad Bhagavatam: 6.11.25)

svarga, paramesthi-sthana, sarvabhauma-pada
rasatala-adhipatya, yogera sampada
nirvana ityadi yata chhadi' seva tava
nahi magi, e mora pratijna akaitava

"O Ultimate Principle, I do not desire residence in the heavenly planets, the post of Brahma, dominion over the Earth, rule of the hellish planets, the powers produced by yoga practice, liberation from the material world, or any other such end, if I have to give up Your service. This is my sincere promise."

aham hare tava padaika-mula
dasanudaso bhavitasmi bhuyah
manah smaretasu-pater gunams te
grnita vak karma karotu kayah

(Srimad Bhagavatam: 6.11.24)

chhinu tava nitya-dasa, gale bandhi' maya-pasa,
samsare painu nana klesa
ebe punah kari' asa, hana tava dasera dasa,
bhaji' pai tava bhakti-lesa
pranesvara tava guna, smaruka mana punah punah,
tava nama jihva karuka gana
karadvaya tava karma, kariya labhuka sarma,
tava pade sanpinu parana

"I was Your eternal servant but I became bound around the neck by the ropes of maya and suffered in various ways within this mater­ial world. Now again I am hoping that by becoming the servant of Your servants and serving You, I may attain some trace of devotion. O Lord of my heart, may my mind perpetually remember Your glories. May my tongue chant Your Name. May I obtain fulfilment by engaging my hands in Your service. I have offered my heart at Your feet."




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· Translator's Note
· In Praise of Saranagati (1)
· In Praise of Saranagati (2)
· Editor's Note
· Sri Laghu-chandrika-bhasya: Mangalacharana
· Sri Laghu-chandrika-bhasya: Preface


Bhajana-Lalasa (Hankering for Service):

Siddha-Lalasa (Hankering for Fulfilment):

Vijnapti (Prayer of Heartfelt Hankering):

Sri Nama-Mahatmya (The Glories of the Name):