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SARANAGATI (SURRENDER) | Sri Laghu-chandrika-bhasya

Visrambhatmika: Confidence in the Lord's Protection


(Song 21)

ekhana bhujhinu prabhu! tomara charana
asoka-abhayamrta-purna sarva-ksana [1]

ekhana–now; bhujinu–I have understood; prabhu!–O Lord!; tomara–Your; charana–feet; asoka–sorrowlessness; abhaya–fearlessness; amrta–nectar; purna–full of; sarva–all; ksana–moments. [1]

(1) O Lord! Now I have understood that Your feet are always replete with sorrowlessness, fearlessness, and immortality.

sakala chhadiya tuya charana-kamale
padiyachhi ami natha! tava pada-tale [2]

sakala–everything; chhadiya–abandoning; tuya–Your; charana–feet; kamale–at the lotus; padiyachhi–have fallen; ami–I; natha!–O Lord!; tava–Your; pada–feet; tale–beneath. [2]

(2) I have relinquished everything at Your lotus feet and fallen before them, O Lord!

tava pada-padma, natha! raksibe amare
ara raksa-karta nahi e bhava-samsare [3]

tava–Your; pada–feet; padma–lotus; natha!–O Lord!; raksibe (raksa karibe)–will protect; amare–to me; ara–other; raksa–protection; karta–doer; nahi–is not; e–this; bhava–of birth and death; samsare–in this world. [3]

(3) O Lord! Your lotus feet will protect me. There is no other protector in this world of birth and death.

ami tava nitya dasa—janinu e-bara
amara palana-bhara ekhana tomara [4]

ami–I; tava–Your; nitya–eternal; dasa–servant; janinu–I have understood; e–this; bara–time; amara–my; palana–protection; bhara–responsibility; ekhana–now; tomara–Your. [4]

(4) Now I have understood that I am Your eternal servant. The responsibility of maintaining me is now Yours.

bada duhkha paiyachhi svatantra jivane
saba duhkha dure gela, o pada varane [5]

bada–great; duhkha–distress; paiyachhi–I have experienced; svatantra (anasrita)–independent (unsheltered); jivane–in life; saba–all; duhkha–distress; dure–far away; gela–went; o–those; pada–feet; varane–by accepting. [5]

(5) I experienced only great distress in my independent life. All my distress has gone away by embracing Your feet.

(5) o pada varane: "By embracing Your feet." In Prarthana (43.1), Srila Narottam Thakur has written:

asraya la-iya bhaje, tare krsna nahi tyaje
ara saba mare akarana

"Krishna never abandons one who takes shelter and serves Him. All others die in vain."

ye pada lagiya rama tapasya karila
ye-pada paiya siva 'sivatva' labhila [6]

ye-pada labhiya brahma krtartha ha-ila
ye-pada narada-muni hrdaye dharila [7]

sei se abhaya pada sirete dhariya
parama-anande nachi pada-guna gaiya [8]

ye–whose; pada–feet; lagiya–for attaining; rama–the Goddess of fortune Laksmi Devi; tapasya–austerity; karila–did; ye–whose; pada–feet; paiya–obtaining; siva–the chief of the demigods and topmost devotee, Mahadev; 'sivatva'–auspiciousness, the status of being 'Siva'; labhila–obtained; ye–whose; pada–feet; labhiya–obtaining; brahma–the universal creator; krtartha–fulfilled; ha-ila–became; ye–whose; pada–feet; narada muni–Devarsi Narad, the son of Brahma and Guru of Vedavyas; hrdaye–in the heart; dharila–embraced; sei–those very; se–those; abhaya–fearless; pada–feet; sirete–on the head; dhariya–holding; parama–great; anande–with joy; nachi–I dance; pada–of the feet; guna–the qualities; gaiya–singing. [6-8]

(6-8) Whose feet which Laksmi Devi performed austerities to attain; those feet from which Siva artained the quality of sivatva, auspiciousness; those feet by which Brahma became fulfilled; those feet which Narad Muni embraced in his heart—holding upon my head those very feet, which are the abode of fearlessness, I dance with great joy, chanting their glories.

(6) siva 'sivatva' labhila: "Siva attained the quality of sivatva, auspiciousness." This is described by Sri Kapiladev in Srimad Bhagavatam (3.28.22):

tirthena murdhny adhikrtena sivah sivo 'bhut
dhyatur manah samala-saila-nisrsta-vajram
dhyayech chiram bhagavatas charanaravindam

"Siva became imbued with the quality of sivatva, auspiciousness, by bearing upon his head the holy waters of the greatest of all rivers, the Ganges, whose origin is the foot-wash of the Supreme Lord. The sins in the heart of one who meditates on that Supreme Lord's lotus feet are destroyed just as a mountain is levelled by an onslaught of thunderbolts. Thus one should always meditate on the Supreme Lord's lotus feet."

samsara-vipada ha'te avasya uddhara
bhakati-vinoda o-pada karibe tomara [9]

samsara–of this material world; vipada–dangers; ha'te–from; avasya–certainly; uddhara–deliverance; bhakati-vinoda–Bhakti Vinod; o–those; pada–feet; karibe–will do; tomara–Your. [9]

(9) Your feet will surely deliver Bhakti Vinod from the dangers of material existence.




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· Translator's Note
· In Praise of Saranagati (1)
· In Praise of Saranagati (2)
· Editor's Note
· Sri Laghu-chandrika-bhasya: Mangalacharana
· Sri Laghu-chandrika-bhasya: Preface


Bhajana-Lalasa (Hankering for Service):

Siddha-Lalasa (Hankering for Fulfilment):

Vijnapti (Prayer of Heartfelt Hankering):

Sri Nama-Mahatmya (The Glories of the Name):