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SARANAGATI (SURRENDER) | Sri Laghu-chandrika-bhasya Dainyatmika: Humility
(Song 4)
yauvane yakhana, dhana-uparjane, yauvane–in youth; yakhana–when; dhana–wealth; uparjane–in earning; ha-inu–I became; vipula–greatly; kami–desirous; dharama–religion; smariya–remembering; grhinira–of a wife; kara–the hand; dharinu–took; takhana–then; ami–I. [1] (1) When I was young I became greatly desirous of earning money. Remembering my religious duty, I took the hand of a wife.
samsare pata'ye, tahara sahita, samsare–to household life, material existence; pata'ye–setting out; tahara–her; sahita–with; kala–of time; ksaya–destruction; kainu–did; kata–so much; bahu–many; suta–sons; suta–and daughters; janama–birth; labhila–attained; marame–in my core; ha-inu–I became; hata–distressed. [2] (2) I established a household with her and wasted so much time. We had many sons and daughters, and I became distressed at heart.
samsarera bhara, bade dine dine, samsarera–of household life; bhara–the burden; bade–increasing; dine–day; dine–by day; achala–immobile; ha-ila–became; gati–my path, destination; varddhakya–old age; asiya–coming; gherila–besieged; amare–to me; asthira–unsteady, restless; ha-ila–became; mati–mind. [3] (3) The burden of my household increased day by day, and my progress towards attaining the goal of life came to a standstill. As old age came and besieged me, my mind became disturbed.
pidaya asthira, chintaya jvarita, pidaya–with disease; asthira–unsteady; chintaya–with anxiety; jvarita–feverish; abhave–in want, in privation; jvalita–burning; chita–heart; upaya–way out; na–not; dekhi–I see; andhakara–blinding darkness; maya–filled with; ekhana–now; hayechhi–I have become; bhita–frightened. [4] (4) Restless with disease and feverish with anxiety, my heart burns with unfulfilled desire. I see no way out of this darkness and have now become fearful.
samsara-tatini-srota nahe sesa, samsara–of household life, of material existence; tatini (nadi)–the river; srota–the current; nahe–does not; sesa–end; marana–death; nikate–near; ghora–terrible; saba–everything; samapiya–concluding; bhajiba–will serve; tomaya–You; e–this; asa–hope; biphala–fruitless; mora–of mine. [5] (5) There is no end to the torrent of the river of household life, and fearsome death always looms nearby. "After finishing all of this, I will serve You"—this hope of mine has proven vain.
ebe suna prabhu! ami gati-hina, ebe–now; suna–please listen; prabhu!–O Lord!; ami–I; gati–means of deliverance; hina–devoid of; bhakati-vinoda–Bhakti Vinod; kaya–says; tava–Your; krpa–mercy; vina–without; sakali–everything; nirasa–hopeless; deha'–please bestow; more–upon me; pada–of Your feet; asraya–the shelter. [6] (6) Now please listen, O Lord! I am utterly helpless. Bhakti Vinod prays, "Without Your mercy, everything is hopeless. Please give me the shelter of Your feet."
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· Translator's Note Saranagati:
Atma-Nivedanatmika, Self-Submission
Goptrtve Varan, Embracing the Lord's
Visrambhatmika, Confidence in the Lord's
Varjanatmika, Rejecting the Unfavourable
Anukulyatmika, Accepting the Favourable
Bhajana-Lalasa (Hankering for Service):
Siddha-Lalasa (Hankering for Fulfilment):
Vijnapti (Prayer of Heartfelt Hankering):
Sri Nama-Mahatmya (The Glories of the Name):
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