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SARANAGATI (SURRENDER) | Sri Laghu-chandrika-bhasya Dainyatmika: Humility
(Song 2)
bhuliya tomare samsare asiya bhuliya–forgetting; tomare–about You; samsare–in the material world; asiya–coming; peye–experiencing; nana–various; vidha–forms; vyatha–of suffering; tomara–Your; charane–at the feet; asiyachhi–have come; ami–I; baliba–will say; duhkhera–of distress; katha–tale. [1] (1) Forgetting You and coming to the material world, I have undergone all sorts of suffering. Now I have come before Your feet and will express my tale of distress.
janani-jathare chhilama yakhana janani–of my mother; jathare–in the womb; chhilama–I was; yakhana–when; visama–terrible; bandhana–binding; pase–with the ropes; eka–one; bara–time; prabhu!–O Lord!; dekha–sight; diya–giving; more–to me; vanchile–deprived; e–this; dina–poor; dase–to this servant. [2] (2) While I was bound in the terrible confines of my mother's womb, You once revealed Yourself to me, O Lord! Yet since then You have deprived this poor servant.
takhana bhavinu janama paiya takhana–then; bhavinu–I thought; janama–birth; paiya–obtaining; kariba–I will do; bhajana–service; tava–Your; janama–birth; ha-ila–happened; padi'–falling; maya (mayara)–of Maya; jale (phande)–into the net (trap); na–not; ha-ila–became; jnana (jnanera)–of knowledge; lava (lesa)–a fraction (trace). [3] (3) At that moment I thought I would engage in Your service after taking birth. Yet when I was born, I fell into maya's trap, and not a trace of such consciousness remained.
adarera chhele svajanera kole adarera–of adoring parents; chhele–a son; svajanera–of relatives; kole–in the lap; hasiya–smiling, laughing; katanu–I passed; kala–time; janaka–of my father; janani–of my mother; snehete–due to the affection; bhuliya–forgetting; samsara–family life, the material world; lagila–felt; bhala–good. [4] (4) As a son of adoring parents, I spent my time in their laps, smiling and laughing. Because of my mother and father's affection, I forgot You and took pleasure in family life (material existence).
krame dina dina balaka ha-iya krame–gradually; dina–day; dina–day; balaka–a boy; ha-iya–becoming; khelinu–I played; balaka–boys; saha–with; ara–more; kichhu–some; dine–after days; jnana–faculty of knowledge; upajila (udita ha-ila)–arose; patha–lessons; padi–I study; ahar-ahah (dina dina, sarva-ksana)–day after day (all the time). [5] (5) Day by day I grew into a young boy and played with other young boys. Later on my intellect developed, and I studied my lessons day in and day out.
vidyara gaurave bhrami' dese dese vidyara–of learning; gaurave–on the strength; bhrami'–travelling; dese–in country; dese–in (another) country; dhana–wealth; uparjana–earning; kari'–doing; svajana–relatives; palana–maintenance; kari–I do; eka–single; mane–with a mind; bhulinu–I forgot; tomare–about You; hari!–O Lord! [6] (6) Then on the strength of my learning, I travelled from place to place, earned money, and maintained my family with undivided attention. I forgot You, O Lord!
varddhakye ekhana bhakati-vinoda varddhakye–in old age; ekhana–now; bhakati-vinoda–Bhakti Vinod; kandiya–crying; katara–distressed; ati–very; na–not; bhajiya–serving; tore–to You; dina–days; vrtha–vain; gela–passed; ekhana–now; ki–what?; habe–will be; gati–destination. [7] (7) Now aged, Bhakti Vinod cries in great distress, "Not serving You, I have passed my days in vain. What will be my fate now?"
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· Translator's Note Saranagati:
Dainyatmika, Humility
Atma-Nivedanatmika, Self-Submission
Goptrtve Varan, Embracing the Lord's
Visrambhatmika, Confidence in the Lord's
Varjanatmika, Rejecting the Unfavourable
Anukulyatmika, Accepting the Favourable
Bhajana-Lalasa (Hankering for Service):
Siddha-Lalasa (Hankering for Fulfilment):
Vijnapti (Prayer of Heartfelt Hankering):
Sri Nama-Mahatmya (The Glories of the Name):
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