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SARANAGATI (SURRENDER) | Sri Laghu-chandrika-bhasya Visrambhatmika: Confidence in the Lord's Protection
(Song 24)
chhodata purusa-abhimana chhodata–abandoning; purusa–male; abhimana (purusavat bhoktrtvabhiman)–ego (the ego of being a male enjoyer); kinkari–a maidservant; ha-ilun–I will be; aji–today; kana!–O Krishna! [1] (1) Abandoning the false ego of a male enjoyer, today I have become a maidservant, O Kan!
varaja-vipine sakhi-satha varaja (vraja)–of Vraja; vipine (kanane)–in the forest; sakhi–of girlfriends; satha–in the company; sevana–service; karabun–I will do; radha-natha!–O Lord of Radha! [2] (2) In the groves of Vraja, under the guidance of Radha's girlfriends, I will engage in service, O Lord of Radha!
kusume ganthabun hara kusume–with flowers; ganthabun (ganthiba)–I will string; hara–garland; tulasi–tulasi; mani–jewels; manjari (ukta kusuma harera madhye madhye samyukta)–flower spikes (with tulasi flower spikes set between the flowers of the garland); tara–along the garland. [3] (3) I will make flower garlands with tulasi-manjaris arranged like jewels in between the flowers.
yatane deobun sakhi-kare yatane–with care; deobun (diba)–I will give; sakhi–of a girlfriend; kare–in the hands; hate–in the hands; laoba (la-ibe)–will take; sakhi–the girlfriend; adare–with love. [4] (4) I will carefully place those garlands in the hands of one of Radha's girlfriends, and she will lovingly accept them in her hands.
sakhi diba tuya duhunka gale sakhi–girlfriend; diba (dibe)–will give; tuya–Your; duhunka (du-janera)–both (Radha and Krishna); gale–on the necks; durata (dura ha-ite)–from afar; herabun–I will behold; kutuhale–in wonder. [5] (5) Radha's girlfriend will place those garlands around the necks of You both. From afar, I will behold this in wonder.
sakhi kahaba, suna sundari sakhi–girlfriend; kahaba–will say; suna–please listen; sundari–O beautiful girl; rahabi (rahibe)–you will stay; kunje–in this forest grove; mama–my; kinkari–maidservant. [6] (6) Radha's girlfriend will then say to me, "O beautiful girl, please stay in this forest grove as my maidservant.
ganthabi mala manoharini ganthobi–you will string; mala–garlands; mano–heart; harini–stealer; niti (nitya)–daily; radha-krsna–the Divine Couple; vimohini–completely enchant. [7] (7) "String beautiful garlands every day that will completely enchant Radha and Krishna.
tuya raksana-bhara hamara tuya–Your; raksana–protection; bhara–responsibility; hamara–of me; mama–my; kunja–forest; kutira–cottage; tohara–yours. [8] (8) "I will take full responsibility for your maintenance. My forest cottage is yours.
radha-madhava-sevana-kale radha-madhava–of the Divine Couple; sevana–of service; kale–at the time; rahabi–you will stay; hamara–my; antarale (parsve)–behind (near). [9] (9) "When I serve Radha and Madhav, you will stay right behind me.
tambula saji' karpura ani' tambula–betel leaves, pan; saji' (sajjita kariya)–preparing (with supari (areca nut), lime, khayer (catechu, an extract from Indian acacia trees), cinnamon, clove, and various other ingredients); karpura–camphor; ani'–bringing; deobi–you will give; moye–to me; apana–your own; jani'–knowing. [10] (10) "You will prepare betel leaves, fetch camphor, and hand them to me, knowing me to be your intimate friend."
bhakati-vinoda suni' bata bhakati-vinoda–Bhakti Vinod; suni'–hearing; bata (vakya)–expression, order; sakhi–of the girlfriend; pade–at the feet; kare–does; pranipata–obeisance. [11] (11) Hearing her expression, Bhakti Vinod offers obeisance to the feet of Radha's girlfriend.
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· Translator's Note Saranagati:
Atma-Nivedanatmika, Self-Submission
Goptrtve Varan, Embracing the Lord's
Visrambhatmika, Confidence in the Lord's
Varjanatmika, Rejecting the Unfavourable
Anukulyatmika, Accepting the Favourable
Bhajana-Lalasa (Hankering for Service):
Siddha-Lalasa (Hankering for Fulfilment):
Vijnapti (Prayer of Heartfelt Hankering):
Sri Nama-Mahatmya (The Glories of the Name):
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