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SARANAGATI (SURRENDER) | Sri Laghu-chandrika-bhasya Siddhi-Lalasa: Hankering for Fulfilment
(Song 14)
kabe gaura-vane, suradhuni-tate, kabe–when?; gaura (sri gaurasundarer)–of Sri Gaurasundar; vane (vihara-ksetre)–in the forest (in the place of the Pastimes of Sri Gaurasundar—Sri Nabadwip Dham); suradhuni–of the Ganges; tate–on the bank; ha–oh!; radhe–Srimati Radharani; ha–oh!; krsna–Krishna; bale–say; kandiya–crying; bedaba–I will wander; deha–of the body; sukha–happiness; chhadi'–abandoning; nana–various; lata–creepers; taru–trees; tale–at the base. [1] (1) When will I abandon all bodily pleasures and wander along the banks of the Ganges beneath the trees and creepers of the forests of the land of Sri Gaurasundar, crying and calling out, "O Radha! O Krishna!"?
svapacha-grhete, magiya khaiba, svapacha (kukura mamsa-bhoji chandala)–of low-class persons who eat dog-meat; grhete–in the homes; magiya–begging; khaiba–I will eat; piba–I will drink; saraswati–of the river Sarasvati; jala–the water; puline–on the banks; puline–along the banks; gada-gadi–rolling on the ground; diba–I will give; kari'–making; krsna–of Krishna; kolahala–an uproar. [2] (2) When I will eat by begging food from the houses of dog-eating outcasts and drink the water of the Saraswati. I will roll about on the banks of the Ganges and uproariously call out, "Krishna!"
dhama-vasi jane, pranati kariya, dhama–of the holy abode; vasi–residents; jane–to the people; pranati–obeisance; kariya–doing; magiba–I will beg; krpara–of mercy; lesa (kana)–a trace (a particle); vaisnava–of the devotees; charana–of the feet; renu–the dust; gaya–on the body; makhi'–smearing; dhari'–wearing; avadhuta–of an itinerant mendicant transcendental to varnasram-dharma, whose ecstatic, purely devotional behaviour is incomprehensible (and disregarded) by worldly persons (and neophyte devotees); vesa–the garb. [3] (3) I will bow down before the residents of Sri Gaurasundar's abode and beg for a particle of their mercy. I will wear the garb of an avadhut and smear my body with the devotees' foot-dust.
gauda-vraja-jane, bheda na heriba, gauda (sri-gauda-mandala)–of the district of Gauda; vraja (sri vraja-mandala)–of the district of Vraja; jane (parikara, bhagavat parsada)–the people (retinue, associates of the Lord); bheda–difference; na–not; heriba–I will see; ha-iba–I will become; varaja (vraja)–of Vraja; vasi–a resident; dhamera–of the abode (of Vraja); svarupa (chidananda svarupa)–the true nature (ecstatic spiritual nature); sphuribe–will be manifest; nayane–before my eyes; ha-iba (labha kariba)–I will become (I will obtain); radhara–of Srimati Radharani; dasi (kainkarya)–a maidservant (servitude). [4] (4) I will see no difference between the residents of Gauda and the residents of Vraja, and I will become a resident of Vraja. The true nature of the Lord's abode will manifest before my eyes, and I will become Sri Radha's maidservant.
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· Translator's Note Saranagati:
Atma-Nivedanatmika, Self-Submission
Goptrtve Varan, Embracing the Lord's
Visrambhatmika, Confidence in the Lord's
Varjanatmika, Rejecting the Unfavourable
Anukulyatmika, Accepting the Favourable Bhajana-Lalasa (Hankering for Service):
Siddha-Lalasa (Hankering for Fulfilment):
Vijnapti (Prayer of Heartfelt Hankering):
Sri Nama-Mahatmya (The Glories of the Name):
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