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SARANAGATI (SURRENDER) | Sri Laghu-chandrika-bhasya Siddhi-Lalasa: Hankering for Fulfilment
(Song 15)
dekhite dekhite, bhuliba va kabe, dekhite dekhite–immediately; bhuliba–I will forget; va–[an emphatic particle]; kabe–when?; nija–own; sthula (jada jagatera)–gross (of the material world); parichaya–identity; nayane–in the eyes; heriba–I will behold; vraja–of Vraja; pura–the village; sobha–the beauty; nitya–eternal; chit–spiritual; ananda–ecstasy; maya–consisting of. [1] (1) When will I at once forget my gross material identity? Then I will behold before my eyes the beauty of the eternal, spiritual, ecstatic abode of Vraja.
vrsabhanu-pure, janama la-iba, vrsabhanu–of King Vrsabhanu (the father of Srimati Radharani); pure–in the village; janama–birth; la-iba–I will take; yavate (sri radharanira svasuralaye)–in the village of Yavat (in the abode of the father-in-law of Srimati Radharani); vivaha–wedding; ha'be–will be; vraja–of Vraja; gopi–cowherd lady; bhava–nature, identity, mood; ha-ibe–will be; svabhava–nature; ana (gopi-bhinna anya)–another (different from that of a gopi); bhava–nature; na–not; rahibe–will remain. [2] (2) I will take birth in the village of Vrsabhanu and be married in the village of Yavat. My nature will become that of a Vraja-gopi; no other nature will remain within me.
nija-siddha-deha, nija-siddha-nama, nija–own; siddha–perfect; deha–body; nija–own; siddha–perfect; nama–name; nija–own; rupa–form; sva–own; vasana–garments; radha (radhabhinna sri guru)–of Sri Radha (of Sri Radha's non-different form of Sri Guru); krpa–of the mercy; bale–by the strength; labhiba–I will obtain; va–[an emphatic particle]; kabe–when; krsna–of Sri Krishna; prema–divine love; prakarana (paddhati)–method (path). [3] (3) When will I attain, by the mercy of Sri Radha (Sri Guru), my eternal name, eternal body, eternal dress, and the path of Krishna-prema?
yamuna-salila- aharane giya, yamuna–of the river Yamuna; salila–water; aharane–to collect; giya–going; bujhiba–I will understand; yugala–of the Divine Couple; rasa–ecstatic relationship; prema–with divine love; mugdha–overwhelmed; ha'ye–becoming; pagalini–madwoman; praya–almost; gaiba–I will sing; radhara–of Sri Radha; yasa–the glories. [4] (4) When as I collect water from the river Yamuna, I will have realisations about the Divine Couple's loving relationship. I will become overwhelmed with prema and sing Sri Radha's glories like a madwoman.
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· Translator's Note Saranagati:
Atma-Nivedanatmika, Self-Submission
Goptrtve Varan, Embracing the Lord's
Visrambhatmika, Confidence in the Lord's
Varjanatmika, Rejecting the Unfavourable
Anukulyatmika, Accepting the Favourable
Bhajana-Lalasa (Hankering for Service):
Siddha-Lalasa (Hankering for Fulfilment):
Vijnapti (Prayer of Heartfelt Hankering):
Sri Nama-Mahatmya (The Glories of the Name):
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