Our Disciplic Succession:
"The Sun Never Sets on Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math":
SARANAGATI (SURRENDER) | Sri Laghu-chandrika-bhasya
Siddhi-Lalasa: Hankering for Fulfilment
(Song 16)
vrsabhanu-suta- charana-sevane,
ha-iba ye palya-dasi
sri-radhara sukha, satata sadhane,
rahiba ami prayasi [1]
vrsabhanu–of Vrsabhanu; suta–of the daughter;
charana–feet; sevane–in the service;
ha-iba–I will become; ye–which;
palya–to be maintained; dasi (nitya-siddha sakhi-gana
asrita)–maidservant (sheltered maidservant of the eternal,
spiritual girlfriends of Srimati Radharani); sri-radhara–of Sri
Radha; sukha–happiness; satata–always;
sadhane–in pursuits; rahiba–will remain;
ami–I; prayasi–one who endeavours. [1]
(1) I will become a maintained maidservant engaged in the service of
Vrsabhanu Suta's feet and constantly endeavour for Her happiness.
(1) palya-dasi: "A maintained maidservant." Srila Raghunath Das
Goswami has described the mood (bhava) of a palya-dasi in his
composition Vraja-vilasa-stava (29):
sandra-prema-rasaih pluta priyataya pragalbhyam apta tayoh
prana-prestha-vayasyayor anudinam lilabhisaram kramaih
vaidagdhyena tatha sakhim prati sada manasya siksam rasair
yeyam karayatiha hanta lalita grhnatu sa mam ganaih
Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur has translated this verse in his
Jaiva-dharma as follows: "Sri Lalita Devi, steeped in intense divine
love and impudent as an expression of her affection, makes daily
arrangements for the secluded amorous union of her dearly beloved Sri Radha
and Sri Krishna. With her cunning, she teaches her dearest girlfriend, Sri
Radhika, the art of exhibiting jealous anger (man). May that Lalita
Devi accept me within her group of associates; may she accept me as her
maintained maidservant (palya-dasi)."
sri-radhara sukhe, krsnera ye sukha,
janiba manete ami
radha-pada chhadi', sri-krsna-sangame,
kabhu na ha-iba kami [2]
sri-radhara–of Sri Radha; sukhe–in the happiness;
krsnera–of Sri Krishna; ye–which;
sukha–happiness; janiba–I will know;
manete–in my heart; ami–I; radha–of
Sri Radha; pada–the feet; chhadi'–abandoning;
sri-krsna–with Sri Krishna; sangame–for union;
kabhu–ever; na–not; ha-iba–I will
become; kami–desirous. [2]
(2) I will know within my heart the pleasure that Krishna finds in the
pleasure of Sri Radha. I will never abandon Sri Radha's feet and become
desirous of direct union with Sri Krishna.
(2) sri radhara sukhe ... kami: "I will never become desirous
of direct union with Sri Krishna." This mood of chastity has been explained
by Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur in his Jaiva-dharma as follows:
"You are a maidservant of Sri Radhika—Her service alone is your service. If,
being sent by Her, you enter into the presence of Krishna in a solitary place
and Krishna approaches you amorously, you should not consent to His advances.
You are Sri Radhika's maidservant; without Sri Radhika's permission you
should not independently serve Krishna. Although you should maintain equal
affection for both Radha and Krishna, you should be more eager to engage in
the loving service (dasya-prema) of Sri Radhika than the loving
service of Sri Krishna. This is known as seva. Your only seva is to engage in
Sri Radha's service during all eight periods of the day
sakhi-gana mama parama-suhrt,
yugala-premera guru
tad anuga ha'ye, seviba radhara
charana-kalapa-taru [3]
sakhi–of girlfriends; gana–group;
mama–my; parama–supreme; suhrt–the
well-wishers; yugala–of the Divine Couple;
premera–of divine love; guru–guardians,
instructors; tad–of them; anuga–the follower;
ha'ye–being; seviba–I will serve;
radhara–of Sri Radha; charana–of the feet;
kalapa-taru–the wish-fulfilling tree. [3]
(3) Sri Radha's girlfriends are my greatest well-wishers. They are my Gurus
who teach me about the Divine Couple's prema. As their follower, I will serve
the wish-fulfilling tree of Sri Radha's feet.
(3) sakhi-gana ... kalpa-taru: "Sri Radha's girlfriends are my
Gurus ... As their follower, I will serve Sri Radha." This practice of
subservience unto Sri Radha's girlfriends has been explained by Srila
Raghunath Das Goswami Prabhu in his Vraja-vilasa-stava (38):
vrndaranya-mahesvarim priyataya yas tosayanti priyah
prana-prestha-sakhi-kulad api kilasankochita bhumikah
keli-bhumisu rupa-manjari-mukhas ta dasikah samsraye
Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur translates this verse as follows in his
Jaiva-dharma: "The group of Sri Radhika's maidservants led by Sri Rupa
Manjari always please Her by offering Her betel-rolls, massaging Her feet,
bringing Her water, arranging for Her secluded amorous unions with Her
paramour, Sri Krishna, and by performing other such services with affection.
They are by nature more unreserved in their service activities than the
prana-prestha-sakhis (Lalita Devi, Visakha Devi, and so forth). I take
complete shelter of them (I accept them as my instructing guardians
(Siksa-gurus) who guide me in my service activities)."
radha-paksa chhadi' ye-jana se-jana
ye bhave se bhave thake
ami ta' radhika- paksapati sada,
kabhu nahi heri ta'ke [4]
radha–of Sri Radha; paksa–the party;
chhadi'–abandoning; ye–which;
jana–persons; se–those; jana–persons;
ye–which; bhave–nature; se–that;
bhave–mood; thake–stay; ami–I;
ta'–certainly; radhika–of Sri Radha;
paksapati–partial; sada–always;
kabhu–ever; nahi–not; heri–I see;
ta'ke–to them. [4]
(4) I am always completely partial to Sri Radha's party. I never even look at
those who have abandoned Her party, whoever they are, and whatever their
nature may be.
(4) radha-paksa ... ta'ke: "I am always completely partial to
Sri Radha's party ..." This conviction has been expressed by Srila Raghunath
Das Goswami Prabhu in the sixth verse of his Svaniyama-dasakam:
anadrtyodgitam api muni-ganair vainika-mukhaih
pravinam gandharvam api cha nigamais tat-priyatamam
ya ekam govindam bhajati kapati dambhikataya
tad-abhyarne sirne ksanam api na yami vratam idam
"I never, even for a moment, go near the impure vicinity of a conceited
charlatan who worships Sri Govinda alone, having disregarded His dearmost
beloved Srimati Gandharva, whose super-excellent glories are sung throughout
all the scriptures by the great sages headed by the vina player Narad Muni.
This is my solemn vow."
Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur expresses the same conviction in the ninth verse of
his Svaniyama-dvadasakam:
aradham govindam bhajati nitaram dambhikataya
tad-abhyase kintu ksanam api na yami vratam idam
"I will never, even for a moment, go anywhere near those who, ridden with
extreme conceit, worship Sri Govinda without Sri Radha. This is my vow."
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· Translator's Note
· In Praise of Saranagati
· In Praise of Saranagati
· Editor's Note
· Sri Laghu-chandrika-bhasya:
· Sri Laghu-chandrika-bhasya: