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SARANAGATI (SURRENDER) | Sri Laghu-chandrika-bhasya

Atma-Nivedanatmika: Self-Submission


(Song 6)

(prabhu he!) suna mora duhkhera kahini
visaya halahala, sudha-bhane piyalun,
aba avasana dinamani [1]

prabhu–Lord; he!–oh!; suna–please listen; mora–my; duhkhera–of distress; kahini–tale; visaya–of mundanity; halahala (garala, visa)–mortal poison (poisonous venom); sudha–nectar; bhane (bhrame)–as though enacting a drama (by mistake); piyalun (pan karilama)–I drank; aba (ekhana)–now; avasana–the disappearance; dinamani (surya)–jewel of the day (the sun). [1]

(1) O Lord! Please listen to my tale of distress. Mistaking it for nectar, I drank the terrible poison of mundanity, and now the sun is setting (my life is coming to an end).

khela-rase saisava, padaite kaisora
gonyaolun na bhela viveka
bhoga-vase yauvane, ghara pati vasilun
suta-mita badala aneka [2]

khela–of play; rase–in the pleasure; saisava–childhood; padaite (patha karite)–in studying; kaisora–adolescence; gonyaolun (ativahita karilama)–I spent; na–did not; bhela (ha-ila)–became; viveka–conscience; bhoga–of enjoyment; vase–under the control; yauvane–in my youth; ghara–a home; pati–arrange; vasilun–I sat; suta–children; mita (mitra)–friends; badala (vrddhi prapta ha-ila)–increased; aneka–many. [2]

(2) I spent my childhood immersed in the pleasures of play and my adolescence in study. My conscience never developed. Captivated by worldly enjoyment in my youth, I established myself within household life, and my children and friends multiplied.

(2) khela-rase saisava: "I spent my childhood immersed in the pleasures of play." Sankar Acharya describes the deluded masses in this way:

balas tavat kridasaktah tarunas tavat taruni-raktah
vrddhas tavat chinta-magnah pare brahmani ko 'pi na lagnah

(Moha-mudgara-stotram: 7)

"Boys are attached to play. Youths are attached to young women. The elderly are absorbed in worries. Alas! No one is conscious of the Supreme Absolute (Parabrahma)."

vrddha-kala aola, saba sukha bhagala,
pida-vase ha-inu katara
sarvendriya durbala ksina kalevara,
bhogabhave duhkhita antara [3]

vrddha–old; kala–age; aola (asila)–came; saba–all; sukha–happiness; bhagala (palayana karila)–fled; pida–of disease vase–under the control of; ha-inu–I became; katara–distressed; sarvendriya–all of my senses; durbala–incapacitated; ksina–emaciated; kalevara–body; bhoga–enjoyment; abhave–for want of; duhkhita–sorrowful; antara–interior. [3]

(3) When old age came, and all happiness fled. Subjugated by disease, I became distressed. All of my senses became incapacitated, and my body became emaciated. For want of enjoyment, my heart became sorrowful.

jnana-lava-hina, bhakti-rase vanchita,
ara mora ki habe upaya
patita-bandhu tuhun, patita-adhama hama,
krpaya uthao tava paya [4]

jnana–of knowledge; lava–a trace; hina–devoid of; bhakti–of devotion; rase–in the nectar; vanchita–deprived of; ara–else; mora–my; ki–what?; habe–will be; upaya–means; patita–of the fallen; bandhu–friend; tuhun (tumi)–You; patita–fallen; adhama–lowly; hama (ami)–I; krpaya–by Your mercy; uthao–please pick up; tava–Your; paya–to the feet. [4]

(4) Now I am devoid of even a trace of actual knowledge and deprived of the nectar of devotion. What will be my means of deliverance? You are the friend of the fallen, and I am the lowest of the fallen; please mercifully uplift me to Your feet.

vicharite aobi, guna nahi paobi,
krpa kara chhodata vichara
tava pada-pankaja, sidhu pibaota,
bhakativinode kara' para [5]

vicharite–to judge; aobi (asibe)–will come; guna–good qualities; nahi–not; paobi (paibe)–will get; krpa–mercy; kara–please do; chhodata (chhada)–abandoning; vichara–judgment; tava–Your; pada–feet; pankaja–lotus; sidhu (madhu)–nectar (flower nectar); pibaota (pana karaiya)–causing to drink; bhakati-vinode–of Bhakti Vinod; kara'–please do; para–deliverance. [5]

(5) If You come to judge me, you will not find any good qualities. So, mercifully forgo judgement and induce me to drink the nectar of Your lotus feet. Deliver this Bhakti Vinod.





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· Translator's Note
· In Praise of Saranagati (1)
· In Praise of Saranagati (2)
· Editor's Note
· Sri Laghu-chandrika-bhasya: Mangalacharana
· Sri Laghu-chandrika-bhasya: Preface


Bhajana-Lalasa (Hankering for Service):

Siddha-Lalasa (Hankering for Fulfilment):

Vijnapti (Prayer of Heartfelt Hankering):

Sri Nama-Mahatmya (The Glories of the Name):