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SARANAGATI (SURRENDER) | Sri Laghu-chandrika-bhasya Bhajana-Lalasa: Hankering for Service
(Song 5)
hari he! hari–Lord; he!–oh!; sanga–association; dosa (asat)–faulty (bad); sunya (mukta)–free from; diksita (sri guru-padasrita)–initiated (sheltered at the feet of Sri Guru); adiksita (tat-purvavastha prapta)–not initiated (situated in the preliminary stage prior to taking shelter of Sri Guru); yadi–if; tava–Your; nama–Name; ga'ya–sings; manase–within my heart; adara (tanhara hrdgata bhavera prati samana)–honour (for their heartfelt faith and devotion); kariba–I will do; tanhare–of them; jani'–knowing; nija–own; jana–person; taya–them. [1] (1) O Lord! If one free from bad association, be they initiated or yet to be initiated, sings Your Name, I will honour them within my heart, knowing them to be Yours.
diksita ha-iya, bhaje tuya pada, diksita–initiated; ha-iya–being; bhaje–serves; tuya–Your; pada–feet; tanhare (sad-guru padasraye prakasita bhakti-chihna bhaktake)–to them (to a devotee who exhibits symptoms of devotion while sheltered at the feet of a true Guru); pranati (prakasita maryada dana kariya)–bow (offering honour); kari (kariba)–I do (I will do); ananya (aikantika)–unalloyed (sincere, wholehearted); bhajane (bhajanasilera)–in devotional service (of devotional practice); vijna–expert; yei–who; jana–person; tanhare–their; seviba (seva kariba)–I will serve; hari!–O Lord! [2] (2) I will offer my obeisance to anyone who has been initiated and serves Your feet. I will serve anyone who is expert in unalloyed devotional service, O Lord!
sarva-bhute sama, ye bhaktera mati sarva–all; bhute–to living entities; sama–equal; ye–who; bhaktera–of a devotee; mati–disposition; tanhara (samudaya vastute krsna sambandha-darsi bhaktake)–their (a devotee who sees the presence or connection of Krishna within all things); darsane–in the sight; mani–I consider; apanake–to myself; dhanya–fortunate; se–their; sanga–association; paiya–obtaining; charitartha (krtartha)–fulfilled; ha-ilun–I have become; jani–I know. [3] (3) I consider myself fortunate to attain the merciful glance of a devotee who is equally disposed towards all beings (who sees Your presence within everything). Attaining their association, I know myself to have become fulfilled.
niskapata-mati, vaisnavera prati niskapata (akrtrima-bhave)–non-deceitful (in a non-artificial, sincere way); mati–disposition; vaisnavera–of devotees; prati–towards; ei–this; dharma–nature; kabe–when?; pa'ba–I will obtain; kabe–when?; e–this; samsara–of material existence; sindhu–the ocean; para–to the farther shore; ha'ye–being; tava–Your; vraja–known as 'Vraja'; pure–to the village; ya'ba–I will go. [4] (4) When will I attain this sincere disposition towards Your devotees? When will I cross over this ocean of material existence and enter Your abode of Vraja?
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· Translator's Note Saranagati:
Atma-Nivedanatmika, Self-Submission
Goptrtve Varan, Embracing the Lord's
Visrambhatmika, Confidence in the Lord's
Varjanatmika, Rejecting the Unfavourable
Anukulyatmika, Accepting the Favourable
Bhajana-Lalasa (Hankering for Service):
Siddha-Lalasa (Hankering for Fulfilment):
Vijnapti (Prayer of Heartfelt Hankering):
Sri Nama-Mahatmya (The Glories of the Name):
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