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SARANAGATI (SURRENDER) | Sri Laghu-chandrika-bhasya

Bhajana-Lalasa: Hankering for Service


(Song 5)

hari he!
sanga-dosa-sunya, diksitadiksita,
yadi tava nama ga'ya
manase adara, kariba tanhare
jani' nija-jana taya [1]

hari–Lord; he!–oh!; sanga–association; dosa (asat)–faulty (bad); sunya (mukta)–free from; diksita (sri guru-padasrita)–initiated (sheltered at the feet of Sri Guru); adiksita (tat-purvavastha prapta)–not initiated (situated in the preliminary stage prior to taking shelter of Sri Guru); yadi–if; tava–Your; nama–Name; ga'ya–sings; manase–within my heart; adara (tanhara hrdgata bhavera prati samana)–honour (for their heartfelt faith and devotion); kariba–I will do; tanhare–of them; jani'–knowing; nija–own; jana–person; taya–them. [1]

(1) O Lord! If one free from bad association, be they initiated or yet to be initiated, sings Your Name, I will honour them within my heart, knowing them to be Yours.

diksita ha-iya, bhaje tuya pada,
tanhare pranati kari
ananya-bhajane, vijna yei jana
tanhare seviba hari! [2]

diksita–initiated; ha-iya–being; bhaje–serves; tuya–Your; pada–feet; tanhare (sad-guru padasraye prakasita bhakti-chihna bhaktake)–to them (to a devo­tee who exhibits symptoms of devotion while sheltered at the feet of a true Guru); pranati (prakasita maryada dana kariya)–bow (offering honour); kari (kariba)–I do (I will do); ananya (aikantika)–unalloyed (sincere, whole­hearted); bhajane (bhajanasilera)–in devotional service (of devotional practice); vijna–expert; yei–who; jana–person; tanhare–their; seviba (seva kariba)–I will serve; hari!–O Lord! [2]

(2) I will offer my obeisance to anyone who has been initiated and serves Your feet. I will serve anyone who is expert in unalloyed devotional service, O Lord!

sarva-bhute sama, ye bhaktera mati
tanhara darsane mani
apanake dhanya, se sanga paiya
charitartha ha-ilun jani [3]

sarva–all; bhute–to living entities; sama–equal; ye–who; bhaktera–of a devotee; mati–disposition; tanhara (samudaya vastute krsna sambandha-darsi bhaktake)–their (a devotee who sees the presence or connection of Krishna within all things); darsane–in the sight; mani–I consider; apanake–to myself; dhanya–fortunate; se–their; sanga–association; paiya–obtaining; charitartha (krtartha)–fulfilled; ha-ilun–I have become; jani–I know. [3]

(3) I consider myself fortunate to attain the merciful glance of a devotee who is equally disposed towards all beings (who sees Your presence within everything). Attaining their association, I know myself to have become fulfilled.

niskapata-mati, vaisnavera prati
ei dharma kabe pa'ba
kabe e samsara- sindhu-para ha'ye,
tava vraja-pure ya'ba [4]

niskapata (akrtrima-bhave)–non-deceitful (in a non-artificial, sincere way); mati–disposition; vaisnavera–of devotees; prati–towards; ei–this; dharma–nature; kabe–when?; pa'ba–I will obtain; kabe–when?; e–this; samsara–of material existence; sindhu–the ocean; para–to the farther shore; ha'ye–being; tava–Your; vraja–known as 'Vraja'; pure–to the village; ya'ba–I will go. [4]

(4) When will I attain this sincere disposition towards Your devotees? When will I cross over this ocean of material existence and enter Your abode of Vraja?

(1-4) This song is based on the fifth verse of Srila Rupa Goswami Prabhu's Sri Upadesamrta:

krsneti yasya giri tam manasadriyeta
diksasti chet pranatibhis cha bhajantam isam
susrusaya bhajana-vijnam ananyam anya-
nindadi-sunya-hrdam ipsita-sanga-labdhya

"One who chants Krishna's Name (the kanistha-adhikari) should be honoured within the heart. One who is initiated and engaged in the Lord's service (the madhyam-adhikari) should be honoured with obeisance. One who is expert in devotion, who sees nothing apart from Krishna, and whose heart is free from the duality of criticising and praising others (the uttam-adhikari) should be considered most desirable association and honoured through submissive service."




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· Translator's Note
· In Praise of Saranagati (1)
· In Praise of Saranagati (2)
· Editor's Note
· Sri Laghu-chandrika-bhasya: Mangalacharana
· Sri Laghu-chandrika-bhasya: Preface


Bhajana-Lalasa (Hankering for Service):

Siddha-Lalasa (Hankering for Fulfilment):

Vijnapti (Prayer of Heartfelt Hankering):

Sri Nama-Mahatmya (The Glories of the Name):