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SARANAGATI (SURRENDER) | Sri Laghu-chandrika-bhasya Anukulyatmika: Accepting the Favourable
(Song 31)
suddha-bhakata charana-renu, suddha–pure; bhakata–of devotees; charana–of the feet; renu–dust; bhajana–devotion; anukula–favourable; bhakata–to the devotees; seva–service; parama–supreme; siddhi–fulfilment; prema–divine love; latikara–of the creeper; mula–the root. [1] (1) Pure devotees' foot-dust is favourable to devotion. Service to the devotees is the supreme fulfilment and the root of the creeper of prema.
madhava-tithi, bhakti-janani, madhava-tithi–holy days which are especially related to Hari, such as Sri Harivasar (Ekadasi), the appearance day of Krishna, and so on; bhakti–of devotion; janani–the mother; yatane–with care; palana–observe; kari–I do; krsna–of Krishna; vasati (sri dhama)–holy abode; vasati–my dwelling place; bali'–considering; parama–great; adare–with adoration; bari (varana kari)–I choose, accept. [2] (2) I carefully observe the holy days related to Madhava; they are the mother of devotion. With great adoration, I embrace Krishna's abode as my own.
gaura amara, ye saba sthane, gaura–Gaurasundar; amara–my; ye–which; saba–all; sthane–in the places; karala–did; bhramana–tour; range (lilaya)–during Pastimes; se–those; saba–all; sthana–places; heriba–will behold ami–I; pranayi–loving; bhakata–of devotees; sange–in the company. [3] (3) In the company of loving devotees, I behold all the places my Gaurasundar visited during His Pastimes.
mrdanga-vadya, sunite mana, mrdanga–of the clay drum; vadya–sound; sunite–to hear; mana–heart; avasara (suyoga)–opportunity; sada–always; yache–begs; gaura–by Sri Gaurasundar; vihita (anumata)–prescribed; kirtana–the musical glorification; suni'–hearing; anande–with joy; hrdaya–heart; nache–dances. [4] (4) My heart always begs for the opportunity to hear the sound of the mrdanga. Hearing the kirtan prescribed by Sri Gaurasundar, my heart dances with joy.
yugala-murti, dekhiya mora, yugala–of the Divine Couple; murti–Deity form; dekhiya–beholding; mora–my; parama–great; ananda–joy; haya–happens; prasada–of the remnants of food offerings; seva–service; karite–in doing; haya–happens; sakala–all; prapancha (pancha-bhuta nirmita jagat)–the universe made of the five material elements; jaya–conquest. [5] (5) Beholding the Deity forms of the Divine Couple, I feel great joy. By honouring prasad, I overcome the entire material creation.
ye dina grhe, bhajana dekhi, ye–which; dina–days; grhe–in house; bhajana–devotional service; dekhi–I see; grhete–within house; goloka—the spiritual abode of Krishna; bhaya (anubhuta haya)–is experienced; charana-sidhu (sri-charanamrta)–the nectar of the feet of the Lord; dekhiya–seeing; ganga–river Ganges; sukha–happiness; na–no; sima–limit; paya–obtains. [6] (6) On days when I see devotional service going on within my home, I feel that Goloka has manifested there. Seeing the Ganges, the river of nectar that emanates from the Lord's feet, my happiness has no limit.
tulasi dekhi' judaya prana, tulasi–the dearmost plant of Krishna; dekhi'–seeing; judaya–relieves; prana–my heart; madhava-tosani (Gaura-krsna-priya)–pleasing to Madhava (pleasing to Sri Gaura Krishna); jani'–knowing; gaura–of Sri Gaurasundar; priya–dear, favourite; saka–preparations of leafy greens; sevane–by serving; jivana–my life; sarthaka (saphala)–successful; mani–I consider. [7] (7) Seeing Tulasi Devi relieves my heart, for I know she is pleasing to Madhava. By honouring sak, a favourite of Sri Gaurasundar, I consider my life successful.
bhakati-vinoda, krsna-bhajane, bhakati-vinoda–Bhakti Vinod; krsna–of Krishna; bhajane–for the service; anukula–favourable; paya–obtains; yaha–whatever; prati–every; divase–on the day; parama–great; sukhe–with happiness; svikara (angikara)–acceptance; karaye–does; taha–that. [8] (8) Whatever Bhakti Vinod obtains that is favourable to the service of Krishna he accepts every day with the greatest joy.
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· Translator's Note Saranagati:
Atma-Nivedanatmika, Self-Submission
Goptrtve Varan, Embracing the Lord's
Visrambhatmika, Confidence in the Lord's
Varjanatmika, Rejecting the Unfavourable
Anukulyatmika, Accepting the Favourable
Bhajana-Lalasa (Hankering for Service):
Siddha-Lalasa (Hankering for Fulfilment):
Vijnapti (Prayer of Heartfelt Hankering):
Sri Nama-Mahatmya (The Glories of the Name):
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