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SARANAGATI (SURRENDER) | Sri Laghu-chandrika-bhasya Vijnapti: Prayer of Heartfelt Hankering
kabe ha'be bala se dina amara kabe–when?; ha'be–will be; bala–please tell; se–that; dina–day; amara–mine; aparadha–offences; ghuchi'–dispelling; suddha–pure; name–for the Name; ruchi (anuraga)–taste (deep loving attachment); krpa (nama va guru krpa)–of mercy (of the mercy of the Name, or, of the mercy of Sri Guru); bale–by the power; ha'be–will be; hrdaye–in my heart; sanchara–infused. [1] (1) Please tell me, when will that day be mine when my offences will be dispelled and taste for the pure Name will be infused within my heart by the power of mercy?
trnadhika hina, kabe nije mani, trna–a blade of grass; adhika–more than; hina–low; kabe–when?; nije–towards myself; mani–considering; sahisnuta–of tolerance; guna–the quality; hrdayete–in the heart; ani'–bringing; sakale–to all; manada–desire to offer honour; apani–myself; amani–without desire for honour; ha'ye–being; asvadiba–I will taste; nama–of the Name; rasa–of the ecstatic nectar; sara–the essence. [2] (2) When will I feel myself to be lower than a blade of grass, bring the quality of tolerance within my heart, become eager to honour everyone and devoid of desire for honour from anyone, and relish the essence of the Name's rasa?
dhana jana ara, kavita-sundari, dhana–wealth; jana–followers (family); ara–and; kavita–erudition; sundari–beautiful women; baliba–I will say; na–not; chahi–I desire; deha–the material body; sukha–pleasure; kari–doing; janme–in birth; janme–after birth; dao–please give; ohe–oh; gaurahari!–Sriman Mahaprabhu!; ahaituki–causeless; bhakti–devotion; charane–for the feet; tomara–Your. [3] (3) When will I declare that I do not desire wealth, followers, erudition, beautiful women, or any other bodily pleasure? O Gaurahari! Birth after birth, please give me unconditional devotion to Your feet."
(kabe) karite sri-krsna- nama uchcharana, kabe–when?; karite–in doing; sri-krsna–of Sri Krishna; nama–the Name; uchcharana–expression aloud; pulakita–horripilation; deha–body; gadgada–choked up; vachana–utterances; vaivarnya–turning; vepathu–trembling; ha'be–will be; samghatana–occurrence; nirantara–incessantly; netre–in the eyes; va'be–will flow; asru–of tears; dhara–streams. [4] (4) When will my hair stand on end, my voice falter, my complexion turn pale, my body tremble, and tears pour incessantly from my eyes while I call aloud Sri Krishna's Name?
kabe navadvipe, suradhuni-tate, kabe–when?; navadvipe–in Nabadwip; suradhuni–of the Ganges; tate–on the bank; gaura-nityananda–'Gaura-Nityananda!'; bali'–saying; niskapate–sincerely; nachiya–dancing; gaiya–singing; bedaiba–I will wander; chhute–running about; vatulera–as a madman; praya–almost; chhadiya–abandoning; vichara–concern, prudence. [5] (5) When will I wander along the banks of the Ganges in Nabadwip, sincerely calling out, "Gaura-Nityananda!", while dancing, singing, and running about, having abandoned all concerns as though mad?
kabe nityananda, more kari' daya, kabe–when?; nityananda–Sri Nityananda Prabhu; more–to me; kari'–doing; daya–mercy; chhadaibe–will cause to abandon; mora–my; visayera–of mundanity; maya–attachment; diya–giving; more–to me; nija–own; charanera–of His feet; chhaya–shade; namera–of the Name; hatete–in the marketplace; dibe–will give; adhikara–qualification. [6] (6) When will Nityananda be merciful to me and cause me to abandon my attachment to mundanity? When will He give me the shade of His feet and grant me a place in the marketplace of the Name?
kiniba lutiba, hari-nama-rasa, kiniba–I will buy; lutiba–I will festively scatter; hari–of Sri Hari; nama–of the Name; rasa–the nectar; nama–of the Name; rase–with the nectar; mati'–being intoxicated; ha-iba–I will become; vivasa (atma-vismrta)–overwhelmed (self-forgetful); rasera–of nectar; rasika (nama rasa-data sri gurudeva)–of a relisher, of a topmost devotee (of Sri Gurudev, the distributer of the rasa of the Name); charana–feet; parasa–touch; kariya–doing; majiba–I will become submerged; rase–in nectar; anibara–incessantly. [7] (7) When will I buy and festively scatter the rasa of the Lord's Name? When will I become intoxicated and overwhelmed with that rasa? When will I touch the feet of a relisher of that rasa and become immersed in that rasa perpetually?
kabe jive daya, ha-ibe udaya, kabe–when?; jive–for souls; daya–mercy; ha-ibe–will be; udaya–an arising; nija–own; sukha–happiness; bhuli'–forgetting; sudina–most humble; hrdaya–heart; bhakati-vinoda–Bhakti Vinod; kariya–doing; vinaya–humility; sri-ajna–divine order; tahala–patrol; karibe–will do; prachara–preaching. [8] (8) When will compassion for all souls arise within me? When will Bhakti Vinod forget his own happiness and travel about respectfully preaching the divine order with a most humble heart?
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· Translator's Note Saranagati:
Atma-Nivedanatmika, Self-Submission
Goptrtve Varan, Embracing the Lord's
Visrambhatmika, Confidence in the Lord's
Varjanatmika, Rejecting the Unfavourable
Anukulyatmika, Accepting the Favourable
Bhajana-Lalasa (Hankering for Service):
Siddha-Lalasa (Hankering for Fulfilment):
Vijnapti (Prayer of Heartfelt Hankering):
Sri Nama-Mahatmya (The Glories of the Name):
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