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SARANAGATI (SURRENDER) | Sri Laghu-chandrika-bhasya

Visrambhatmika: Confidence in the Lord's Protection


(Song 23)

atma-samarpane gela abhimana
nahi karabun nija raksa-vidhana [1]

atma–myself; samarpane–by fully offering; gela–went; abhimana (svasamarthya-buddhi)–false egotism (conception of self-sufficiency); nahi–not; karabun–I will make; nija–own; raksa–protection; vidhana–arrangements. [1]

(1) By fully offering myself unto You, my false egotism has gone away. I will no longer make any arrangements to protect myself.

tuya dhana jani' tuhun rakhabi natha!
palya go-dhana jani kari' tuya satha [2]

tuya–Your; dhana–property; jani'–knowing; tuhun–You; rakhabi–will protect; natha!–O Lord!; palya–to be protected; go–cow; dhana–property; jani–knowing; kari'–doing; tuya–Your; satha–company. [2]

(2) O Lord! Knowing me to be Your property, You will maintain me and keep me with You as one of Your protected cows.

charaobi madhava! yamuna-tire
vamsi bajaota dakabi dhire [3]

charaobi (pasu charana karibe)–You will herd (You will tend Your cows); madhava!–O Krishna!; yamuna–of the river Yamuna; tire–on the bank; vamsi–flute; bajaota (bajaiya)–sounding; dakabi–You will call; dhire–gently. [3]

(3) O Madhava! You will herd me along the bank of the Yamuna. You will play Your flute and call me gently.

agha-baka marata raksa vidhana
karabi sada tuhun gokula-kana! [4]

agha-baka (vraja-bhajanera vividha vighna svarupa)–the python demon, Agha, and the crane demon, Baka (various obstacles to the practice of pure devotion in the mood of Vraja); marata (mariya)–killing; raksa–protection; vidhana–arrangements; karabi–will do; sada–always; tuhun–You; gokula–of Gokul; kana!–O Krishna! [4]

(4) By killing Aghasura, Bakasura, and so on, You will always make all arrangements for my protection, O Kan of Gokul!

raksa karabi tuhun nischaya jani
pana karabun hama yamuna-pani [5]

raksa–protection; karabi–will do; tuhun–You; nischaya–certainly; jani–I know; pana–drink; karabun–will do; hama–I; yamuna–of the river Yamuna; pani–the water. [5]

(5) Knowing that You will certainly protect me, I will drink the water of the Yamuna (regardless of the fact that it is poisoned by the serpent Kaliya).

kaliya-dokha karabi vinasa
sodhabi nadi-jala badaobi asa [6]

kaliya–of Kaliya; dokha (dosa)–fault (sin); karabi–You will do; vinasa–destruction; sodhabi–You will purify; nadi–of the river; jala–water; badaobi–You will increase; asa–hope. [6]

(6) You will absolve Kaliya's offences, purify the Yamuna's waters, and thus increase my faith.

piyata davanala rakhabi moya
'gopala' 'govinda' nama tava hoya [7]

piyata (pana kariya)–swallowing; dava–forest; anala–fire; rakhabi–You will protect; moya (amake)–to me; 'gopala'–'He who maintains the cows'; 'govinda'–'He who pleases the cows'; nama–names; tava–Your; hoya (haya)–happen. [7]

(7) By swallowing the forest fire, You will protect me and thus become known as 'Gopal' and 'Govinda'.

surapati durmati-nasa vichari'
rakhabi varsane giri-vara-dhari! [8]

surapati (indra)–king of the demigods ('Indra'); durmati–wicked-hearted; nasa–destruction; vichari' (vichara kariya)–deciding; rakhabi–You will protect; varsane–from the rains; giri–of all mountains; vara–the best (Giriraj Govardhan); dhari–lifter. [8]

(8) Deciding to level the pride of Devaraj Indra, You will protect me from his rains, O Lifter of Giriraj Govardhan!

chaturanana karaba yava chori
raksa karabi moye gokula-hari! [9]

chaturanana–Brahma ('He who possesses four faces'); karaba–will do; yava–when; chori (churi)–steals; raksa–protection; karabi–You will do; moye–me; gokula–of Gokul; hari!–O Lord! [9]

(9) When Brahma will abduct me, You will rescue me, O Lord of Gokul!

bhakati-vinoda tuya gokula-dhana
rakhabi kesava! karata yatana [10]

bhakati-vinoda–Bhakti Vinod; tuya–Your; gokula–in Gokul; dhana–property (cow); rakhabi–You will protect; kesava!–O Krishna!; karata–doing; yatana–care. [10]

(10) Bhakti Vinod is one of Your cows in Gokul. O Kesava! Surely you will carefully protect him.




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· Translator's Note
· In Praise of Saranagati (1)
· In Praise of Saranagati (2)
· Editor's Note
· Sri Laghu-chandrika-bhasya: Mangalacharana
· Sri Laghu-chandrika-bhasya: Preface


Bhajana-Lalasa (Hankering for Service):

Siddha-Lalasa (Hankering for Fulfilment):

Vijnapti (Prayer of Heartfelt Hankering):

Sri Nama-Mahatmya (The Glories of the Name):